Euromaritime Blue Growth Exhibition; 28th - 30th June 2022, Marseille, France
The next edition of EUROMARITIME, Blue Growth exhibition, will be held from Tuesday 28th to Thursday 30th June 2022 in Marseille Parc Chanot. This exhibition will be of interest to Space2Wave SMEs.
The EUROMARITIME exhibition is the biennial meeting of blue growth industrialists, organized by the weekly Le Marin (Ouest-France group) and SOGENA on behalf of GICAN.
This blue economy exhibition aims to be the meeting and business point for the large Euro-Mediterranean maritime region.
5000 visitors from over 40 countries are expected to visit the 260 exhibitors at the exhibition. 30 conferences with over 68 speakers will be envisaged and over 950 B2B meetings.
The event includes all aspects for the Maritime sector including drones and robotics and digitalisation.
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Posted 2022-01-11 15:39:27
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