About the project
Space2Waves aims to accelerate the global deployment of earth observation technologies in blue growth sectors and support European SMEs competitiveness to export to Australia, Canada, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates.
Earth Observation technologies represent an answer to many issues that the maritime sector is currently facing. EO technologies contribute to the implementation of a sustainable blue economy and they are one of the most available, feasible and cost efficient technologies to explore, monitor, control and study the exploitation of oceans and their resources.
Space2Waves will implement an internationalisation programme to support SMEs using or creating EO technologies with a tailor-made programme to assist them in accessing international markets to promote economic growth. The project will promote networking between clusters and business networks that will assist the internationalisation of EU SMEs in the target countries.
The project brings together six clusters with experience in the blue ecnomy and space sectors.
Space2Waves is a 24 month project which has received funding from the European Union's COSME research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 951122.
This website was funded by the European Union's COSME Programme.
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