The challenge of delivering an internationalisation programme during a worldwide pandemic!

The Space2Waves project started in September 2020 - in the middle of the Covid pandemic; so how did the partners manage to develop and implement an internationalisation programme for SMEs when travel and meetings were so restricted?

It was a challenge which forced the project team to quickly adapt the activities that had been planned by being creative and developing new ways to support the SMEs.

It meant quickly developing all our 'online capabilities' and working closely with the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency to adapt to the challenging conditions.

Partners and SMEs quickly got used to online project meetings, webinars to deliver the training programme, online workshops with break-out rooms for one-to-one discussions and virtual matchmaking events to introduce the international SMEs and organisations.

The 30 SMEs, selected for the Space2Waves programme, were all very receptive to these new working practices and welcomed the chance to develop their businesses in these new international markets.

After two years of constant adaptation and sometimes doubts, the project partners are pleased to say that the project has been successful and impactful for the SMEs and that excellent new contacts have been made in the field of Earth Observation technologies for the maritime sector.

Well done to all who adapted and worked with us along the way.

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Posted 2022-07-20 16:05:10

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