Space2Waves successfully over delivers on its targets

Despite this internationalisation project taking place during a worldwide pandemic with severe travel restrictions, Space2Waves has successfully over-delivered on its targets in an impressive effort to think creatively and use online technologies to overcome physical meetings.

The project, which comes to a close in August 2022, has over-delivered on a number of its targets including managing to organise over 230 business-to-business meetings, and involve over 300 SMEs in interactions either via online webinars or through physical missions and events.

In total 30 European SMEs were supported with an intense training and tailored coaching programme. 4 International trade missions took place, 3 in person, to Australia, Canada and the UAE, and one virtual to South Africa,

6 Blue Growth sectors were addressed by the project; fisheries, port infrastructure, maritime transport, climate change, aquaculture and EEZ surveillance.

In addition to the coaching for the 30 supported SMEs, a further 300+ SMEs and organisations benefited from numerous events including country specific webinars, virtual matchmaking sessions, Learning+ business coaching and introductions to various relevant organisations.

230 B2B meetings were arranged between the SMEs who were connected with relevant SMEs, universities, national and regional authorities, multinational organisations, business clusters, innovation hubs and research networks across the four target markets of Australia, Canada, South Africa and the UAE.

For more information about the project please visit and to be kept informed of future activities sign up to the project Interest Group at

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Posted 2022-07-19 10:56:31

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