Space2Waves partners gather for final project meeting in Toulon
The Space2Waves partners gathered in Toulon for the final meeting of the project in July 2022.
As a result of the project starting during the Covid pandemic it was great to finally to meet the partners in person for the first time!
Discussions centred around the outcomes of the mission programme, the SME internationalisation achievements and the remaining activities for the project.
Pole Mer Mediterranee hosted the meeting in Toulon in the South of France where they provided a very interesting walking tour of the city in between the two half days of meetings.
The partners discussed the success of the project, which despite the Covid crisis, has enabled 30 SMEs to have 230 B2B meetings in 4 target countries across 6 blue growth sectors.
The project has successfully assisted European SMEs with Earth Observation technologies and services to expand their business overseas and develop concrete business collaborations with the potential for many more business opportunities in the future.
Good links have also been made with new clusters in the target countries which will be developed after the project finishes in order to maximise its success.
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Posted 2022-07-15 13:39:29
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