Busy schedule for Canada Space2Waves matchmaking mission
6 European SMEs were part of the matchmaking mission to Canada which undertook a busy schedule of presentations, pitches, meetings, visits and dinners.
Check out the SMEs that chose Canada as their market for internationalisation at the following link: https://www.space2waves.eu/sme_participants/
The mission was organised around the H2O Conference which took place in Halifax, Nova Scotia in June 2022. https://h2oconference.ca/
In addition to attending the conference to meet with potential partners and network with relevant organisations, the SMEs also visited universities, took part in a COVE demonstration event, attended the Oceans Gala dinner and were invited to pitch at a 'Start-up Yard'.
For Aerospace Valley, the partner responsible for organising the mission, it was a useful occasion to make links with the Canada Aerospace and Defence cluster and the Canada Ocean Supercluster.
The SMEs took part in a total of 60+ B2B meetings during the mission and a further 40+ online to develop business contacts, collaborations and future commercial interests in the Earth Observation/Blue Growth sector.
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Posted 2022-06-28 09:59:40
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