Trade mission to Australia meets top Space organisations

The Space2Waves trade delegation that visited Australia in June 2022 were welcomed by visits and networking with key innovation partners in Sydney.

The trade mission organisers, Pole Mer Mediterranee, arranged meetings for the SMEs with the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), the Australian Space Agency and National Space Industry Hub.

The SMEs then had a busy schedule of B2B meetings with a number of universities, relevant stakeholder organisations, multi-national businesses, regional authorities and government departments as well as other SMEs working in Earth Observation technologies and services. In total over 60 business to business meetings were arranged for the 6 European SMEs interested in the Australian market; you can view the participants at the following link:

An encouraging number of business collaborations are expected from the mission with several companies in serious discussions over future projects and initiatives.

Commenting on the programme, LS Engineering from Portugal commented, “We were very pleased to participate in Space2Waves. During the programme we have learnt about the latest developments in the blue economy and space opportunities including the main actors and investment opportunities in Australia. During our Trade Mission we had the opportunity to establish really useful contacts with businesses, organisations and relevant programmes. We were very pleased with the assistance we received and the organisation of the various events throughout Space2Waves. We look forward to similar initiatives in the future.”

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Posted 2022-06-09 10:46:15

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