Virtual trade mission to South Africa fosters new collaborations
Due to the rise in Covid cases and low levels of vaccinations in South Africa, the trade mission to this market was held virtually, online, on 31st May 2022.
More than 20 virtual B2B meetings enabled the SME's participating in the mission to explore the South African market.
The South African companies gathered together in Johannesburg to present their businesses both in-person and using videos of their premises and capabilities.
The keynote speaker at the virtual mission was, Mr Odwa Mtati, CEO of the South African International Maritime Institute (SAIMI) who promoted the importance of companies working together. Other useful connections were made with the Water Research Commission, Blue Cape, Aquaculture Innovations and OceanHub Africa.
Although the political situation in South Africa is somewhat unstable, good links were made with the South African International Maritime Institute which we hope will prove fruitful for future business collaborations for the SMEs from Europe who took part.
Geomatys, who are a geospatial intelligence company, welcomed the project support and thought 'the virtual mission was fantastic!'.
For details of the SMEs taking part in the South African market please visit:
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Posted 2022-06-06 16:59:57
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