Space2Waves trade mission to Australia, 7-9th June 2022
The second Space2Waves trade mission will be departing for Australia 7th-9th June 2022.
6 SMEs will be taking part in this physical mission to Sydney, accompanied by project partner Pôle Mer Méditerranée.
While Australia is a relative newcomer to the space sector, with the creation of the Australian Space Agency, it is proving to have high ambitions for the growth of the sector, with the goal of doubling the size of the sector and creating 20,000 additional jobs by 2030.
With Space2Waves having already benefited from the support of Austrade and the Australian Space Agency, the mission will seek to introduce the SMEs to the local ecosystem and confirm business opportunities.
To view the SMEs interested in the Australian market please follow the link: .
For more information on the Australian mission please contact Fanny Moutin from Pôle Mer Méditerranée;
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Posted 2022-05-26 13:29:27
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