First Space2Waves mission kicks off in the UAE
The first of the four planned physical missions to the target countries kicks off this week with a delegation of European SMEs heading to Dubai in the UAE for Water Week.
The mission to the UAE takes place 24th-25th March 2022 in Dubai, UAE in conjunction with the Expo Dubai 'Water Week'.
5 participating SMEs from Europe will be taking part in the B2B meetings that have been pre-arranged with local organisations and there will also be a visit to the Sharjah Innovation Park and Strata Aerospace to develop more contacts.
The participating companies include CMCC, Digimat, Novotech, Satlantis and Satsense. All their details can be found at this link:
Participants will take part in a thematic session, 'Technologies and best practices for sustainable coastal development' to discuss how space technologies and applications can assist in global marine challenges. The event will conclude with a round table focusing on 'Climate change and the challenges for coastal management.'
For more information on this mission please follow the link:
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Posted 2022-03-21 16:05:08
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