EU Global Action on Space
The European Commission has launched recently the EU Global Action on Space to help European companies establish global business cooperation.
With dedicated Business Coaching Services ( ), it aims to support active business relations between EU and non-EU business entities. Participating companies will receive tailored matchmaking, educational webinars on internationalization, as well as individual coaching and consulting provided by a vast pool of global experts, with the aim to conclude commercial agreements.
The EU Global Action on Space ( ) initiative is targeted towards all EU based companies (preferably SMEs) that make use of space technology (e.g., Galileo, Copernicus, upstream, midstream, downstream) and that need support in developing international partnerships. A specific focus is drawn to cooperation between EU companies and the following regions: Africa, Asia, North America, The Gulf countries, Central America & the Caribbean, South America, The Pacific and European Neighborhood Countries.
To benefit from the Business Coaching Services, interested companies and entities can apply to the open call at the following link:
Deadlines and cut-off dates:
This programme is a long call that lasts for 24 months, with an ultimate deadline on 30 November 2023. However, there are eight cut-off dates (after every three months), when applicants are accepted to the programme and start the actual matchmaking and coaching.
* First cut-off date: 28.02.2022 - 11:59 AM CET
* Second cut-off date: 31.05.2022 - 11:59 AM CEST
* Third cut-off date: 31.08.2022 - 11:59 AM CEST
* Fourth cut-off date: 31.11.2022- 11:59 AM CET
* Fifth cut-off date: 28.02.2023 - 11:59 AM CET
* Sixth cut-off date: 31.05.2023 - 11:59 AM CEST
* Seventh cut-off date: 31.08.2023 - 11:59 AM CEST
* Eighth cut-off date: 30.11.2023 - 11:59 AM CET
Companies can apply whenever it is convenient for them; if they are interested in international collaboration with a particular region (they can indicate up to 3 regions of interest in the application form), they should consider the following. Each of the eight parts of the call will be focused on one target region and the most beneficial is to apply within the three months that are focused on a region of their interest. The order of the focus regions is the following:
* Africa
* Asia
* North America
* European Neighbourhood
* Gulf countries
* Central America & the Caribbean
* South America
* The Pacific
The entire service is free of charge for the participants but there is no financial support.
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Posted 2022-02-03 11:02:45
This website was funded by the European Union's COSME Programme.
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