AQASS looking forward to meeting new organisations at the South African Matchmaking event
British Space2Waves participant AQASS Ltd, who are looking to develop new business in South Africa, have found the preliminary series of webinars and workshops useful in finalising their internationalisation plans and developing their business in general.
This specialist consultancy and R&D company who have expertise in geospatial data science, pollution, ecology and resource management in the aquatic and maritime environmental sectors have been particularly impressed with the one-to-one business support provided by South African experts EDALE.
The company has also found it useful to meet the other SMEs in the South African group and has had on-going discussions with one of the French SMEs to see if there are opportunities for new collaborations.
AQASS are particularly looking forward to the South African Matchmaking event taking place 3rd March 2022, where it hopes to meet with some useful South African organisations in order to showcase their business and develop new commercial opportunities.
For more information about AQASS please visit
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Posted 2022-01-12 17:04:20
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