Elittoral exploring new markets in Canada as part of Space2Waves

The Space2Waves program has given elittoral a real opportunity to explore new markets, in this case Canada, which they already know is highly developed in the field of remote sensing applied to the study of the marine environment.

The Space2Waves program that, in addition to offering participating companies a very precise map of the context of the target market (economic, social, cultural, political, environmental ...), provides information on possible entities (public, private and research bodies ) with which to strengthen commercial and / or collaborative relationships.

The program has specialized advisers in each market who, before the commercial phase (trade missions), work very directly with the participating companies in order to gain a good understanding of their peculiarities, specialized services and expertise.

In short, taking advantage of our participation in the program is crucial to introducing the services of elittoral in Canada; a market that we are exploring together with the project professionals and that we consider offers great opportunities for a marine environmental consulting firm such as elittoral.

Gloria Álvarez Vázquez is the Comercial Director at elittoral (Spain). For more information please visit our website at: https://www.elittoral.es/

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Posted 2022-01-11 15:23:41

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