Space2Waves opening doors for NOVELTIS in Australia
The Space2wave initiative has been very instrumental in opening doors for NOVELTIS in Australia.
NOVELTIS is a leading company that performs innovative scientific engineering and provides customized operational solutions in the fields of Space, Environment, Sustainable Development and Risk Prevention. The team has extensive expertise in multi-source data processing, environmental modelling, big data, artificial intelligence and operational decision support systems.
NOVELTIS Head of Marketing and Sales, Hubert Lafont, commented, 'We have received good support from Space2Waves to identify local companies interested in our know-how which is based on the use of satellite data for the offshore industry. We are looking forward to entering phase 2 of the project and actually gain customers for our services of marine weather information (hindcast, forecast, weather downtime etc). A big thank you to the team involved, both in France and in Australia.'
For more information on the products and services that NOVELTIS offers please follow the link:
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Posted 2022-01-11 14:33:23
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