Visit to Space Week at Expo Dubai from project partner DTA

Space2Waves project partner, DTA, recently visited Space Week (17th-23rd October 2021) at Expo Dubai representing the Apulia Region in Italy.

DTA, as the stakeholder representing the Apulia region, facilitates the competitiveness of its members through participation in internationalisation programmes.

In the Space2Waves project, DTA is responsible for the UAE market for developing space solutions for the Blue Economy.

During Space Week at Expo Dubai, DTA took the opportunity to promote the Space2Waves project and activities in order to develop relationships and connections between the European SMEs and the emerging UAE market and facilitate capacity and opportunities.

During the event, DTA's President, Giuseppe Acierno presented 'Journey into beauty and innovation: from Apulia to Space'; the theme of the exhibit from Apulia.

The visit by DTA representatives to the Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park was useful to open the way to future cooperation with European SMEs from the Space2Waves project. The center was established in 2016 in order to create an innovative and multicultural environment that promotes the collaboration between Research and Development and enterprise activities under the triple helix of industry, government and academia.

Located close to the modern University of Sharjah, the center employs many young and motivated staff from local enterprises to ensure investment in the local market. For more information visit:

Following this initial contact with the UAE region, DTA will be working in close cooperation with the Space2Waves partners and the Apulia Region to organise a match-making mission for the SMEs participating in the project. The aim will be to capitalise on the experience of Space Week and develop the Blue Economy themes that are relevant in the region where water is so important for the economy and well-being.

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Posted 2021-12-07 15:23:47

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