Update on the Space2Waves training programme
The training phase of the Space2Waves programme is well underway with the selected SMEs benefiting from the project activities.
To date, the 30 selected SMEs (which can be viewed here https://www.space2waves.eu/sme_participants/) have undergone a maturity assessment and their first individual coaching sessions, setting the stage for the next phase of their internationalization strategy.
The participants have attended the four country-specific webinars that gave them a first overview of the challenges and opportunities they will face in their target market.
Additionally, a Training+ series of webinars, focusing on more specific topics, has been organized in recent months. Items including data protection for SMEs, cultural differences, and the Copernicus Marine Service are topics that have been highlighted. These webinars were also made accessible to other SMEs and gathered 209 participants over 4 sessions.
Stay tuned for more webinars that will be coming up! We are grateful to all the participants and the partner programs for helping grow the Space2Waves community.
If you have colleagues or contacts that would like to be kept informed of the project, its events and activities please ask them to sign up at the following link: https://www.space2waves.eu/interest_group/
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Posted 2021-06-30 08:34:18
This website was funded by the European Union's COSME Programme.
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