Funding opportunity for Smart and Uncrewed Shipping

A new funding opportunity has been launched to address the Smart and Uncrewed Shipping domain with innovative user-driven solutions relying on advanced technologies such as 5G and PNT to the benefit of the involved user communities.

The current call which is being promoted by ESA (European Space Agency) and several stakeholders is interested in supporting the emergence of sustainable space-based services in the smart and uncrewed shipping domain as well as advancing the safe integration of uncrewed maritime vessels in general maritime traffic.

The closing date for the demonstration project is 15th September 2021 with two deadlines at which proposals will be assessed and feedback provided.

1st Intake: 15th June 2021
2nd Intake: 15th September 2021

For more information please visit:

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Posted 2021-04-16 12:00:49

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