New project, Space2Waves launched to support SMEs accessing international markets to develop Earth Observation products and services in the Blue Growth sector.
Space2Waves is the continuation of the SpaceWave project (2018-2019) which successfully developed an internationalization strategy to accelerate the global deployment of Earth Observation (EO) technologies in the Blue Growth sector and to support European SMEs’ competitiveness.
Space2Waves is the continuation of the SpaceWave project (2018-2019) which successfully developed an internationalization strategy to accelerate the global deployment of Earth Observation (EO) technologies in the Blue Growth sector and to support European SMEs’ competitiveness. The project will enable 30 SMEs to benefit from activities to develop new overseas business in 4 countries, Australia, Canada, South Africa and United Arab Emirates, including training workshops, matchmaking missions and follow-up activities.
Space2Waves successfully held its kick -off meeting online in September 2020 bringing together all 6 partners, three from the maritime sector and three from the space sector. The project will run for 24 months and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 951122.
The 6 European partners in the project are Pôle Mer Méditerranée/Toulon Var Technologies, Aerospace Valley, Marine South East Ltd, Distretto Technologico Aerospaziale S.C. A R.L, Corallia Cluster Initiative/R.C. Athena, Forum Oceano.
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Posted 2020-10-16 14:50:01 by Admin
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