Technology and data protection for SMEs, Friday 12th February 2021, webinar

Aerospace Valley and NOVExport are hosting this webinar. 'Technology and data protection for SMEs: effective and agile business compliance structure.'

The aim of this webinar is to analyse the system derived from European data protection regulations in order to address, from their perspective, other issues related to technologies in the field of SMEs.

A second question and answer session written in "chat" mode will be held in the second part of this webinar

Technology has transformed the way citizens, small and large companies and public administrations work.

This digital revolution has enabled the optimisation of human, economic and time resources by facilitating and favouring improvements in accessibility, simplification of business processes and administrative procedures, with the consequent reduction in costs, not only economic, but also in mobility and health safety. In an era already marked by one of the most severe global pandemics experienced and known in technological times.

However, this digital and technological transformation knows and experiences equally unknown risks until its development and implementation. Likewise, in addition to cybersecurity, there are specific risks directly associated with the processing of personal data by individuals and entities using emerging technologies.

To register for this webinar please follow the link:

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Posted 2021-01-28 14:11:32

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