Call for Tenders for Providers to Assist with the Internationalisation of European SMEs

The Space2Waves project has launched a call for tender to select one or more providers to support European SMEs in their internationisation programme in a number of selected countries through training workshops, tailored consultancy and follow-up activities.

The Space2Waves project is looking for companies that can provide services to support European SMEs in their internationalisation strategy including:

* A training programme to support SMEs to export in the four target countries through online workshops
* Consultancy services; 4 hours of consultancy to support each SME
* Reporting on the success of the SMEs in terms of securing orders, additional turnover and increased employment.

By providing SMEs with this tailor-made programme of training and support, Space2Waves aims to be a flagship initiative of the EU in the area of innovation in Blue Growth. In its internationalisation roadmap, Space2Waves has selected 4 countries; Australia, Canada, South Africa and United Arab Emirates.

The selected providers will be in charge of supporting European SMEs in their internationalisation programme in one or more countries with training workshops, tailored consultancy and follow-up. The internationalisation programme will be managed by Aerospace Valley on behalf of the consortium Space2Waves. Legal entities or consortia of legal entities having strong experience in supporting export activities of SMEs in at least one of these countries are invited to answer this call for tenders.

The deadline for proposals is 9th February 2021. For more information and to download the Tender Documentation please visit:

For more information and submit your proposal please contact:

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Posted 2021-01-07 13:07:22

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