A second opportunity to get financial support from GALATEA

GALATEA will be launching a second round of innovation Clubs and B2B meetings this September.

Four Innovation Clubs sessions will be organised, one for each GALATEA domain and its challenges, to encourage SMEs to develop innovative solutions to the challenges identified and to form cross-regional consortia.

GALATEA targets 4 areas of Blue Growth; Smart Port, Smart Ship, Smart Shipyard and Maritime Surveillance.

During each session, participants will be invited to collaborate following an innovative "design thinking" methodology to develop innovative ideas responding to the challenges emitted by GALATEA.

Afterwards, a B2B matchmaking event is planned to enable SMEs to meet and consolidate concrete partnerships.

The second Call for Vouchers will be launched in the autumn 2021.

Keep an eye on the project webpage https://galateaproject.eu/ more information will be released soon.

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Posted 2021-06-29 09:30:32

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