Successful launch of SME Internationalisation programme

On February 4th 2021, the Space2Waves consortium successfully launched the SMEs Internationalisation programme.

The event was the first time the 30 selected SMEs from across Europe were able to get together to hear more details about the forthcoming Space2Waves International programme.

The programme was launched with the assistance of Astrid-Christina Koch, Senior Expert and Fabienne Jacq, Copernicus Marine Service Officer, both working at the DG DEFIS of the European Commission. They presented the European Space programmes and international cooperation arrangements of the countries targeted within the project as well as the Copernicus services that serve the blue growth economy sector.

With 100% attendance from the selected SMEs and 100% interest in pursuing their involvement in the Space2Waves programme, the kick-off meeting is hopefully a good indicator for the success of the project.

For more information about the Space2Waves project please visit:

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Posted 2021-02-05 14:10:33

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