World Ocean Summit Virtual Week; 1st-5th March 2021, online

The World Ocean Summit will take place virtually from 1st-5th March 2021 with the aim of accelerating a sustainable ocean economy.

The agenda for the 2021 event aims to deliver fresh, robust and action-orientated insights into creating a sustainable ocean economy. The virtual week offers the opportunity to access highly curated content and the chance to make meaningful connections no matter where you are in the world.

The event is hoping to attract over 5,000 participants and 150 speakers and will focus on high-level conversations and policy making in the plenary sessions as well as specific industry details in the 6 action-orientated industry tracks:

* Aquaculture
* Energy
* Plastics
* Fishing
* Shipping
* Tourism

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Posted 2021-02-03 11:09:19

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