Welcome to the 4th and final Space2Waves project newsletter, August 2022
Welcome to the 4th and final Space2Waves newsletter which includes details of the final project activities, the recent partners technical meeting in Toulon, reports from the various International Missions (including testimonials from SME participants), as well as news of the SpaceWave Alliance and sustainability of the programme after the project finishes.
Space2Waves is a project funded by the COSME programme that was launched in September 2020.
The project has supported 30 European SMEs using or creating Earth Observation technologies with a tailor-made programme to assist them in accessing the 4 target markets of Australia, Canada, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates which have been identified as having the highest potential for growth for European SMEs. To find out about the SMEs being supported on the programme please visit: https://www.space2waves.eu/sme_participants/
Space2Waves brought together the cooperation of 6 European clusters from 5 European countries; France, Greece, Portugal, the UK and Italy. Learn about the partners at the following link: https://www.space2waves.eu/partners/
The project has run for 24 months and closed in August 2022 under the coordination of Pôle Mer Méditerranée.
To be kept up to date with the SpaceWave Alliance, future projects in this area and related events and activities please sign up to the Interest Group at the following link:
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Posted 2022-05-11 13:18:05
This website was funded by the European Union's COSME Programme.
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