BlueInvest Readiness Assistance opportunity

The BlueInvest Readiness Assistance is for high potential start-ups and SMEs with innovative and sustainable products and solutions for the Blue Economy.

Up to 200 businesses will be selected to receive coaching tailored specifically to their business objectives.

* Participants to the programme will receive feedback on their investment readiness level and a proposed coaching package.

* Each participant will be matched with a dedicated business coach, whom they will work with to develop a set of concrete business objectives.

* Participants will receive targeted assistance from their business coach, who will work with them to achieve their set objectives within a defined time-frame. The one-to-one coaching sessions will be conducted over a 3-month period, both in-person as well as digitally.

* Participants will also benefit from additional training through participant-only sessions organised at the BlueInvest Academy, networking and B2B matchmaking sessions at the BlueInvest events.

A competitive selection process will be used to select the best candidates for the BlueInvest Readiness Assistance.

For more information please follow the link:

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Posted 2021-07-02 13:34:26

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