DiT Funding for companies based in England

The DiT Internationalisation Fund aims to support SMEs in England to improve their international trade performance.

The Fund is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) running from December 2020 to early 2023.

Who can receive funding?

SMEs in England with the following characteristics:

* International High Growth Potential with prospects of employment growth or productivity improvement.
* A product or service suitable for international trade, or which could be developed for international trade and see international trade as a path for growth
* £500k+ sales/turnover (our target, but those with lower sales/turnover are eligible)

What funding is available?

* Co-investment funding between £1k and £9k - total amount of funding available varies in LEP areas
* Support tools are available to establish the amount of funding SME's can apply for
* The Fund Administrator will regularly update funding availability for each LEP area, this supports management of expectations for SME's and reduces the chance of over-committing funding.

How can SMEs apply?

SMEs should initially contact DIT's Regional Network and discuss their plans with an adviser and agree an export action plan. Follow the link to find your contact: https://www.great.gov.uk/contact/office-finder/

If support from the Internationalisation Fund may be appropriate, the DIT adviser will give the company further information on how to apply.

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Posted 2021-06-25 10:03:24

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