SPACE-COMM Expo, 7th-8th July 2021, Farnborough, UK
This new trade exhibition focused on the commercialisation of space for business, defence and aerospace is set to drive growth across the UK space sector. Space-Comm Expo is taking place 7th-8th July 2021 at Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre.
This new event is supported by key industry associations; the event will showcase the manufacturing supply chain for products, services and solutions supplying commerical enterprises and developments in space.
This Expo will bring the sector together for two days of business and networking, providing one of the first opportunities for industry to reconnect in person. Hosted by Farnborough International and Hub Exhibitions, with support from the UK Space Agency, UKSpace, ADS Group, KTN and other founding partners, Space-Comm Expo is an opportunity for industry, academia and government to meet with a dedicated focus on exploring the commercial future of space for business, defence and aerospace.
Space-Comm Expo Overview
Five theatres situated on the exhibition floor will be the location for world-class content delivered in five very distinct formats. From C-suite keynote addresses through to a demo lab and dedicated product showcase theatre, this programme offers a comprehensive snapshot of the issues and challenges leading the space industry.
There is also a focus on the design, production and manufacture of small satellites and satellite applications, and a downstream theatre with sessions exploring applications such as satellite navigation, earth observation and satellite communications.
Business growth opportunities including:
- Meet the Buyer
- A dedicated Start-up Zone for businesses under three years old.
- Private roundtables for pre-arranged meetings to find synergies and identify opportunities that boost investment returns.
For more information about exhibiting, visiting and speaking please visit:
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Posted 2021-05-19 12:32:57
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