Space2Waves is the continuation of the SpaceWave project (2018-2019) which successfully developed an internationalization strategy to accelerate the global deployment of Earth Observation (EO) technologies in the Blue Growth sector and to support European SMEs' competitiveness.

During the project 30 European SMEs will have the chance to benefit from preparatory activities to develop new overseas business, take part in matchmaking missions in one of the four target countries as well as follow up actions to maximise collaborations.

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Support for EU SMEs from EU Global Action programme

The EU Global Action programme is a support programme which offers EU SMEs free coaching for 3 to 6 months to targeted countries. ...(Read More)

Posted on 2022-11-25 16:44:01 By

Continuation of the SpaceWave Alliance

Following the successful conclusion of the Space2Waves project; the SpaceWave Alliance will continue the development and support of European Earth Observation (EO) technologies in the Blue Economy....(Read More)

Posted on 2022-07-20 15:44:52 By

Space2Waves successfully over delivers on its targets

Despite this internationalisation project taking place during a worldwide pandemic with severe travel restrictions, Space2Waves has successfully over-delivered on its targets in an impressive effort to think creatively and use online technologies to overcome physical meetings. ...(Read More)

Posted on 2022-07-19 10:56:31 By

This website was funded by the European Union's COSME Programme.

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