UFO Project launches 2nd call for funding for projects using Smallsat, high altitude platforms or drones

The second UFO project call for proposals is now open. UFO is seeking collaborative projects (of 2 or more SMEs) to develop innovative products and services by integrating new embedded technology solutions in the Small Flying Objects (SFO) area eg Smallsats, Drones and High Altitude Platform systems, to support the six targeted Emerging Industries.

Participation is open to all SMEs based in one of the UFO partner countries (Bulgaria, France, Greece, Romania, United Kingdom).

The funding is up to Euro 60k per SME in project funding for:

* Feasibility Analysis
* Demonstration (Development and implementation of a product/service/solution)

Deadline for applications is 22nd September 2021, 17.00 CET. For more information follow the link: https://www.ufoproject.eu/call-for-proposals/

Innovation boosted by Small Flying Objects:

The UFO project is dedicated to supporting European SMEs in developing innovative products and services by integrating new technological solutions and know-how provided by the combination of innovative Small Flying Objects (SFOs: drones, high altitude platform systems, small satellites etc), embedded nano and digital technologies, Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), data analysis and exploitation solutions.

Six emerging industries are particularly being targeted; mobility, environment, blue growth, finance and insurance, climate and digital and creative/gaming.

For more information on the project follow this link: https://www.ufoproject.eu/

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Posted 2021-06-22 13:12:06

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